Our mission is to promote community improvement in the Edgewater and Uptown neighborhoods on Chicago's northside. We encourage you to learn about us and to join us!
Meet others with whom you may share camaraderie or meet someone who can help you fix your boiler or refinance your loan.
Find out how to navigate the ever changing laws in Chicago
Stay in the know about what's going on in our industry. Great, useful info, up to date..
Learn best practices and how to grow your business.
Vendors can meet and interact with potential new customers.
Feel great that you support worthy charities and causes that benefit the Uptown and Edgewater neighborhoods.
Have your voice heard with regards to new regulations, ordinances and laws. Lawmakers are much more receptive to groups that speak with one voice.

“The EUBA board was happy to be able to deliver masks to
for their staff and clients. We hand delivered 50 masks, with more to come! The 3D printed clips holding the cloth mask in place makes it more easily adjusted to fit any size. Thank you
for all your hard work and generosity in making and donating the masks!”
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Quote source